Saturday, December 16, 2006

Recent Purchase!!!

I just bought these aptly named holiday booties at Alloy! They were only $40 and it took me a while to decide white or black? I decided on white and now the challenge is to keep them that way. Wish me luck!

...super cute and way less than the similar Jeffery Campbell ones I found on for $130 the other day:

Pshaw. Mine are way cuter. And the ribbons are replaceable so I could put random colored ribbon in. So ha, Jeffery Campbell. I win.

Dadadie Brucke, you have a funny-sounding name but some seriously beautiful clothing

I was just browsing some of my old favorite sites when I came across this georgeous (I can't spell, I'm sorry) skirt:

I love you, solid black "hipster" skirt that also comes in white and is only $55. I love you. I also love you:

Gosh, high-waisted two color dress that also comes in a bright red/pink combo, where have you been all my life??


And that was how I spent my Saturday night.


so it's been forever since my last post but i've been looking at lots of different blogs and hopefully soon I'll have a list of links to them! also in my last post i mentioned a basics store in NYC with lots of cheap cashmere(!) It's like... the H&M of cashmere. Delicious. Anyway, it's called Uniqlo at 546 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. That's their flagship store, anyway. There's a couple of other ones in NYC, but that's the only city they're in in the US. Check out other locations at a!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Victoria's Secret

Sorry there's been no post for so long!

So the annual Victoria's Secret fashion show is December 5 at 10 PM! I think it's on CBS or something like that... I'm excited because I know the people who made this year's ridiculous diamond bra that's featured so I can't wait to see it walk down the runway (Well, I guess IT won't walk, but you know...)

Last Thursday's New York Times Style section featured an article on a store that sells cheap cashmere basics (!) and now, of course, I can't remember the name of it. I'll check and get back to you guys. But it looked exciting! I want to go to NYC for Christmas shopping but I guess I'll have to make do with the ever-growing (and ever-more-expensive) Newbery Street...
And I can't wait to go back to my new favorite thrift store: Urban Renewals! I got a brown peacoat that fit great for a mere $14!! It's amazing, if you live in Boston definately go check it out! (Urban Renewals, 122 Brighton Ave, Allston, MA)
PS - This isn't related to style or fashion or anything, but I saw For Your Consideration last night: hilarious. (Especially because the person sitting behind me would laugh REALLY LOUDLY for like 5 minutes at everything and then repeat the line and laugh some more haha)

Until next time!