Coco Rocha is so great, she's only 19, and Canadian, and I'm sure I've mentioned her before (probably a lot of times...) and she has a website,
coco-rocha.com, where she actually has a blog! How great is that?? All the time the model's "lifestyle" is summed up in Vogue or something as "Oh, we have such fun at the shows, but it's so crazy backstage, and we are in makeup for hours. Oh, la, I love modeling, I go to every country ever and walk for everyone, I'm gorgeous, not anorexic, yay fashion" but Coco's blog is about her hilarious fears of mice in her apartment and her trying to find time to see her old friends, etc. And there's a board where she answers readers' questions! OK, so we can't be 100% sure it's really her writing, but what lunatic would go through so much trouble to make up all this stuff? And if it isn't her... that's amusing too haha.
The only thing I have against her was that she was discovered. Damn, I hate those models! It's like that scene in
Superstar Mary Catherine Gallagher is having a "Supermodel Moment" and she puts on an accent and goes "I vas just valking down the street, and a man comes to me and say 'Vould you like to be a supermodel?' and I say 'OK' and here I am in New York the next day in Vogue!" lol (If you don't understand, go rent this movie right now!!)
Labels: Coco Rocha, models